Saturday, February 04, 2017

ARA ALEXANDRE SHISHMANIAN: cum se striveşte un bob de strugure

ce ciudat se striveşte un bob de strugure
un bob de strugure se striveşte ca un gândac verde –
ca un păianjen cu oglinda lichidă
ca un glonte cu o singură pleoapă jur împrejurul pupilei lui dulci
un bob de strugure se striveşte ca o evadare strălucit eşuată
sau ca un personaj dostoievskian monoschizofren
el se mai striveşte şi ca o mînie filmată
cu toate absenţele explodate de tribul la putere
strivit, un bob de strugure e şi o variantă extraterestră a sângelui
bobul de strugure e un bob special
plin de misterele transparenţei şi de transpiraţia groazei
unde celălalt nu poate fi nimic altceva decît o teroare strivită
nimicul e bobul lucru debordînd de reificare victorioasă
nimeni e bobul deja strivit –
deja măturat şi cu sucul şters cu o cîrpă
nimeni e un alt nume al victimei
nimic, un alt nume al preţului de dispreţ
bobul de strugure se striveşte ca un sîmbure de spaţiu-timp –
ca răstignirea generalizată a spaţiu-timpului
pe erezia razelor de lumină
bobul de strugure trebuie strivit
ca să-nceteze să mai fie reacţionar sau eretic –
trebuie strivit cu un zîmbet senin şi dulce ca mustul
sau bobul de strugure trebuie strivit pur şi simplu
ca să semene cu o pictură expresionist abstracţionistă –
ceva între kandinsky şi jackson pollock
sau poate bobul de strugure trebuie strivit
pentru că e preferabil ca neştiutul să fie –
ca neştiutul să abolească nimic / universul / multiversul
plin de silabe – inutil de precizat
e preferabilă o gaură neagră omniversală
unui cosmos aşteptînd doar cîrpa care o să-l şteargă
aşteptînd clovnul cu nas de nebun care o să-l şteargă –
care o să şteargă toată murdăria asta

Translations from the Romanian by Flavia Cosma

How You Crush a Grape

How funny it is to crush a grape
A grain of a grape is crushed like a green cockroach—
like a spider with a liquid mirror
like a bullet with a single eyelid around its sweet pupil
a grain of a grape is crushed like an escape brilliantly failed
or like a Dostoyevsky’s mono-schizophrenic character
it’s crushed also as a filmed anger
all its absences exploded by the tribe in power
Crushed, a grain of a grape is an extraterrestrial variation of the blood, too
the grape’s grain is special
full of the mysteries of transparency and of a nightmarish transpiration
where the other cannot be but a crushed terror
nothingness is the grape-thing overflowing with royal victory
nobody is the grape already crushed—
already swiped and its juice mopped with a cloth
nobody is another name for the victim
nothing, another name for the cost of despise
The grape-grain is crushed like a space-time pit—
like the generalized crucifixion of the space-time—
over the heresy of the light’s rays
the grape must be crushed
because it has to stop being reactionary or heretic –
must be crushed with a light smile, sweet as grape-juice
or the grape must be crushed purely and simply
to look like an expressionist-abstractionist painting
something between Kandinsky and Jackson Pollock –
or perhaps the grape must be crushed
because it’s preferably that the unknown be—
that the unknown abolish nothing/ the universe/ the multiverse
full of syllables—inutile to precise
a black hole omni-versal it’s preferable
to a cosmos waiting solely for the cloth to wipe it out
waiting for the clown with a fool’s nose who’ll wipe it out—
who’ll wipe out all this dirt

About the poet: Ara Alexandre Shishmanian is author of several studies in Vedic literature and Gnosis, written in French and English and published in specialty revues and collective volumes in Belgium, France, Italy, Romania, United States. He also has published fifteen collections of poems in Romanian. His first collection in French, Fenêtre avec esseulement (Window with solitude), translated by Dana Shishmanian, was published in 2014 by Editions Harmattan (Paris). The three poems translated here by Flavia Cosma are excerpts from the Romanian original volume, Nestiute (Unknown), 2012.

About the translator: Flavia Cosma is an award-winning Romanian-born Canadian poet, author and translator residing in Val-David, Quebec, Canada. Flavia has published twenty-eight books of poetry, a novel, a travel memoir and five children’s books. She is the Director of the International Writers’ and Artists’ Residency, Val David, Quebec, Canada, and of The International Biannual Poetry and Arts Festivals of Val-David.

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