Sunday, January 27, 2008

William Michaelian: William Saroyan Says Hello Yerevan

Forty years ago, when we went roaring down
that San Francisco hill in our cousin's little Volvo,
Willie and Archie had Death laughing so hard
tears were running down his face.

But when they pushed him out at a turn,
oh, how Death's expression changed.

When Saroyan went to Hayastan,
he said, "Ah . . . hello, Yerevan,"
and the wise old city smiled.

Now, half his ashes are there.

When Archie Minasian put out his last cigar,
he softly said, "Look at your tiger now."

Since then, Death has looked for ways to kill himself.

January 25, 2008

Copyright William Michaelian. Used here by kind permission of the author.

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